


Visit this GOOGLE interactive link for maps, pictures, and  satellite view of the surrounding area. 


​​​Hiking, hiking, and more hiking.  The Weminuche Wilderness is the largest Wilderness area in Colorado at 499,771 acres. It is part of the National Wilderness Preservation System, established by the Wilderness Act of 1964 to "secure for the American people of present and future generations the benefits of an enduring resource of wilderness." The Weminuche was designated by Congress in 1975, and expanded by the Colorado Wilderness Acts of 1980 and 1993.  

The Weminuche spans the Continental Divide, North America's geological backbone, with its headwaters diverted to both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Eolus, Sunlight, and Windom peaks rise above 14,000 feet, while many others reach above 13,000 feet. With an average elevation of 10,000 feet above sea level, the Weminuche is rugged country, but its ecosystems are fragile.

As you visit, you will join thousands of others who travel in the Weminuche each year. You can help protect the Wilderness through your knowledge and skills, and by complying with regulations. Many people are not aware of the impacts they cause please practice low-impact camping and use common sense.  Please follow the special regulations associated with this Wilderness and always use Leave No Trace techniques to help keep these areas wild, clean, and pristine.

Weminuche Wilderness

To reach Wemenuche  Wildernness and explore the area requires a full day tour.   See the attached camping links for information on overnight stays at national forest facilities.  Only the food, drink and camp equipment brought to the location will be available.  Motels and restaurants are available in the nearby town of Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

​​Copyright 2016. Doug Heath. All rights reserved.

​​​​​​Where the pavement ends and the Best begins

