​​​​​Where the pavement ends and the Best begins

The Colorado Plateau is a high desert environment with an average altitude greater than 5000 feet consisting of relatively undisturbed sediment deposited eons ago.  Hot and dry during summer, cold and dry  during  winter, and blessed with 300 days of  sunshine. 

There are many locations you may consider.  This map highlights some of our typical adventures you could explore.  Choose a placeholder map link for information on each of these specific locations.


Many points are desolate and unreachable or restricted by private, Indian and government boundaries, however, its a big place and plenty is available for outdoor recreational activities.  The abundant beauty of the desert is due to erosional exposure of the multicolored sedimentary surface to become the canyons, valleys, shapes and forms we see today.  Other exposed volcanic and subsurface intrusive structures  jut from the landscape with an immediate and raw example of the geologic world exposed. 

Choice Destinations


​​A variety of large wildlife thrives in the mountainous areas of the Four Corners region.  Deer and Elk can be found with a little effort while bear, large cats and wolves are more rare.  Small wildlife includes marmot, beaver, porcupine, skunk, rabbit, squirrel, and a large variety of birds of prey.  Forest Service and National Park camping is commonly available throughout the area. 


Want to enjoy your vacation without sticking to a strict agenda? We'll create a flexible travel plan that lets you choose the tour destinations and arrange reservations within 48 hours of their scheduled time.  Choose from many of the preplanned routes or just follow us over the cliff and allow us to show you a good time.

Visit the ancient Anasazi Indian ruins, Mesa Verde, CO, Chaco Canyon and Aztec NM, Canyon de Chelly AZ, and Hovenweep UT, each provides a unique vision of the life and times of early human endeavors to work as a community, grow and survive in an era we can only imagine.  Explore the stone made structures to marvel at the designs used -  from common living arrangements and ceremonial chambers, to defensive obstacles and terrain used for protection.  Open throughout the year.


Make it a day trip for an extraordinary ride through the beautiful San Juan Mountains of southwest Colorado.  Visit the historic mining towns Durango, Silverton, Ouray, and Telluride Colorado.  Winter, summer, spring, and fall each season has a unique quality that only your pictures will be able to describe.  ​​​​


Copyright 2016. Doug Heath. All rights reserved.



​​Not the scenery and wildlife type?  How about the Indian gaming circuit?  Let us chauffer you between casinos as you relax and enjoy the ride.  Visit the Ute Indian casinos in southwest Colorado and the Apache, Navajo or Pueblo Indian casinos in northwest New Mexico.  Plan to stay at the casino or nearby motels, enjoy the evening and resume the circuit at your leisure the next day.  We will do our best, however, we will not be held responsible if the scenery gets in the way.




